
Teen Challenge QLD

Thank you for being a Champion of Hope!  

Together, we are restoring hope and rebuilding lives!  

By partnering with us and joining forces with the Brisbane Broncos, Teen Challenge QLD is working to change lives and bring hope to young people who need it most. With your generous support, we can provide life-changing rehabilitation and recovery programs, helping those struggling with addiction regain their independence and hope for the future. 

You can modify or cancel your monthly donation at any time. If you’d like to cancel, please contact accounts@teenchallenge.org.au

My gift to Teen Challenge QLD

My Donation

My Details

Please send a tax deductible receipt via

Payment option

Payment Details

Credit Card    Direct Debit

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All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
A receipt will be emailed to you. You can also print the
receipt at the end of the payment process.


Prefer to give via Direct Deposit?

Account name: Teen Challenge Care (QLD)
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 034 013
Account Number: 274 559

Please use your name as the reference and email us at
with your details to receive a tax-deductible receipt.  

Prefer to give via PayPal?