
Teen Challenge QLD

Help More Young People Overcome Addiction… And Live In True Freedom!

Help More Young People Overcome Addiction… And Live In True Freedom!

Your tax-deductible gift today to meet the $84,000 remaining of a vital funding need will work to restore the hope of young people like Sasha* and give them the support they need to overcome addiction. 

When Sasha* felt trapped and anxious, she turned to the only solution she knew. Alcohol.  Yet that only pulled her deeper into addiction and despair. 

But you can help more young people like Sasha to live in true freedom.   

As Sasha puts it…

“At Teen Challenge, I was loved back to life… “I overcame a lot of the trauma that led me to drinking in the first place.” 

Thank you for your generosity today and for joining the battle for young people’s lives. You are enabling more young people to experience a deep, powerful transformation – and to know and live in true freedom.  

 *Sasha’s name has been changed to help protect her privacy.

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All donations over $2 are tax deductible.
A receipt will be emailed to you. You can also print the
receipt at the end of the payment process.


Prefer to give via Direct Deposit?

Account name: Teen Challenge Care (QLD)
Bank: Westpac
BSB: 034 013
Account Number: 274 559

Please use your name as the reference and email us at
with your details to receive a tax-deductible receipt.  

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